Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Make It Aluminum They Said - The Return

 I was heading out of town on my way to work. The radio (my phone playing Sirius through my ear buds) was blasting. I rolled up to a stop sign, and when I stepped on the gas to take off, I thought I'd been shot at. Then there was the familiar rhythmic popping of a cylinder that had yeeted its sparkplug out of the cylinder head. The previous repair on cylinder four is still solid. This time it was cylinder one that had decided to get spicy.  ***sigh***

Luckily the repair kit I bought came with 8 repair sleeves. As I reflect it occurs to me that there might be a reason for that.  I'm guessing that once the Ford 4.6 starts ejecting sparkplugs, it'll eventually get around to them all. If I'm gonna keep driving this thing, I guess I'm gonna have to just do the other seven cylinders just out of an overabundance of precaution. Luckily, it's not a difficult thing to do.  It just involves being outside, in Texas, in June.  It's hot.  I'll get it done eventually.

Pray for me to whatever deity or deities you follow, and if you don't follow any, good thoughts will always be welcome as well.  I'm gonna need it. 

As always, be good, and if you can't be good, be sneaky.



If your deity of choice happens to be Loki, kindly refrain from mentioning me to him.  Thanks.

Make It Aluminum They Said - This is It

It dawned on me while I was working on the Grand Marquis yesterday that I hadn't posted a picture of the repair kit I was using.  Let me...