Monday, November 9, 2020

What is This Free Time You Speak Of?

 I have been derelict in my writing duties for the last month.  Well, not so much derelict as much as a looked down and when I looked up again, a month had passed. The last month has been one of those "one step forward, two steps back" situations, and it has just damned near worn me out.

My wife and I have had to admit my mother-in-law to a long-term care facility due to her health. I work in a similar facility, but my facility does not accept Medicare or Medicaid. The place where she is does and the paperwork was incredible. I'd still be willing to bet something is not filled out right.

We spent every weekend since working up until this last one on cleaning out her house. When you have to do something like this, it really makes you look around your own place. I spent a lot of time inventorying and looking at things thinking, "Do I really need to keep that?" or "If I die tomorrow will this thing mean anything or just get tossed?" It's kind of sobering how much unnecessary crap you have when you take that assessment.

That was all on top of the usual car maintenance and repairs I have had.  The $600 Mustang needed brakes.  Well, it needed the brake system overhauled. Two new rotors, two new calipers, a cool new tool to do the back brakes (screw you Ford), and a lot of labor made it all safe again.

I haven't even touched on the shit we're having to do at work thanks to our new friend COVID-19. Nasopharyngeal swabs all around twice a week for the foreseeable future. With my role as HR Director, I'm overseeing the process for 120 employees. 


I honestly would have run screaming from the building before now if it weren't for my amazing staff.

For now, I'm just trying to keep my head above water, but I keep getting weight added to my feet.

Here's hoping the new year will bring with it some breathing room.


1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Hang in there, that's all you can do... And duck paddle... ;-)

He's a Good Boy

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