Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year! - Reflections on 2018

Everyone keeps railing on 2018 for what a horrible year it was. To be sure there were things I would have rather not had happen, but that can be said for any given year. I think most of the angst is coming from losses. 

We did have some significant losses in 2018, Stan Lee being a shining example.  As I have aged, I have noticed that loss becomes of ever more present part of life. Youth is given the gift of growth and the prospect for wonder at the world they are just beginning to explore. If that was my only view on the world I could very easily drown in remorse and wail at how horribly the passing years have treated me too.

However, I choose to look back at things that make me reflect on the previous year and smile rather than mourn, so I thought I’d share, in no particular order, a few of those moments with you.

First, I didn’t die…again. That alone should be cause for celebration, especially considering 2018 marked the tenth anniversary of when I did…for a few brief moments…in fact…die. There are a few posts on here from 2008-2009 that can speak to all of that mess. So…YEA…I’m alive!

Secondly, my wife and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary in the summer of 2018. We have now been married longer than she had been alive at the time of our wedding. We’re only a few years away of blowing past that mark for me as well. It’s crazy how fast it has gone, but I am a better man for it.

Next, 2018 saw the oldest of my progeny graduate from high school and start college. My pocketbook weeps but I rejoice. I am so excited for the adventure that CJ is on. Life is out there waiting and I have no doubt cowering in fear a little in anticipation.

I don’t want to carry on all day, so I’ll wrap up with this last thing. I came back to my blog and started writing again. For me that’s a positive. For the rest of the world, well…I’ll leave that judgement up to the readers.

Here’s hoping 2019 brings many more chances to smile everyone. Lord knows we need them.



Old NFO said...

Now we just need to get you to publish... :-)

Wayne said...

It's the one New Year's resolution I actually made. OK?

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