Tuesday, March 5, 2019

There Can Be Only One...

Let me preface this random piece of nonsense that my brain coughed up by saying that I was a big fan of the original Highlander movie with Christopher Lambert and later the television series with Adrian Paul. That's all that needs to be said about that.

I was driving...somewhere...the other day when I saw a dead goose on the side of the highway. It had very obviously lost a fight with a motor vehicle of some sort. I was no sooner past the corpse when an odd thought hit me. What if every time a goose dies any goose that is nearby experiences a quickening and all of the spite and hatred from the dying goose is passed to those nearby? What if myth warns that if too many geese die at once that we risk creating a super goose that can bring about the end of the world? Worse yet, it could become the ruler of the planet and subject us all to it's hate for all eternity!

Gives me the creeps.



Old NFO said...

Snerk... Stop drinking the bong water...

Wayne said...

But that's where all the nutrients are...

He's a Good Boy

 So yesterday I gained knowledge I never wanted. I now know the signs of a stroke in a dog. Over the weekend my oldest pup, Koda, who I inhe...